Wednesday, May 20, 2009

week # 7

For my evaluation, i am really happy because i could see my behavior changed. My first three weeks were a failure but i caught up and i successfully changed my habits. I think, punishment is my the key to my habits. I successfully stop biting nails by putting bitter nail polish to my nails.

I think, i paid really closed attention to my behavior because i have to put this to my blog. So, making a blog online really helps me to really did this.

If i want this to be long termed, i will have to put bitter nail polisher for now till probably next month and when I am used to it, i will not use it anymore because i will be used to it by then.

The most challenging aspect of this assignment is sometimes i forgot to post comments to other people's blogs.

The most valuable thing of this assignment is that I changed my behavior. I stop biting my nails and I successfully made my dream come true by having nice and healthy nails.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week # 6

This weeks is again another success for me....

I only bite my nails twice a day at the most....

That's a really good result for me....

I'm really happy on how my nails look...

They all look so pretty and clean....

I will keep doing this method until i really stop biting my nails.....

i found this website that actually give some advise on how to stop biting nails habit....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Week 5

The nail polisher again, really works for me this week....

last week, it already really cut a lot of my nail biting habit....

this week, it cut a little bit more than last week....

i probably just tried to bite my nails (unconsciously) about 5 times a day....

after reading the comments, i just realized that i could consider my nail polisher as my negative and positive punishment ....

it's negative because i have to taste that bitter flavor....

it's positive because it will encourage me to not bite my nails....

thank you guys for helping me out throught the comment.... =)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Week # 4

My plan of using nail polisher was actually a success...

i put the nail polisher every 2 days.....

everytime i was trying to bite my nails, it tastes weird, so i stopped biting it....

that nail polisher works really well and i really cut a lot of biting nails habit down a lot....

i usually bite my nails every time i have nothing to do or nervous or bored without knowing that i'm biting my nails, but this week, i have been stopped biting my nails after i tasted the nail polisher because it tasted so weird....

the reinforcement and punishment actually works okay....

I really thing that this operant conditioning works for human....

the only oncern is probably about my punishment ...

although i stopped biting my nails after trying to bite my nails, it is still considered as biting my nails....

i supposed to get the negative punishment which is can't watch TV for that day, but i still did watch TV.....

it also actually happened to my positive punishment....

either i bit my nail that day or not, i still ate a chocolate everyday....

it did not matter on either i bite my nails or not....

i think it is the reason why my postitive and negative punishment do not really work that well on me.....

it's just because i'm the "creator" and "receiver" ...

people are always nicer to them selves rather than to other people.....

so, if i wanna do something, i always do it for my own advantage or satisfaction ....

a response for people's comment, i actually agree with the idea of how my punishment is not really a punishment...

it's more like a reinforcer....

and i dont know what kind of positive and negative punishment that can help me for this operant conditioning....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 3

i found this website that give a step by step move to stop biting nails.....


Purchase a bitter-tasting formula made expressly to stop nail biting. Choose the worst-tasting solution you can find.
Wash hands every morning with soap and water and towel dry.
Apply a liberal amount of the solution to the nails, cuticles and surrounding skin.
Continue to reapply the solution throughout the day as it wears off.
Reapply the solution at bedtime. Make sure the bitter taste is always present on your nails.


  1. Confront your problem. Get a camera and take some pictures of your bitten fingernails. Examine your nails, and list their problems.
  2. Visualize yourself with healthy nails, and how great they will look.
  3. Pick at least one nail to "protect" at a time.

    • After a few days, an non-bitten nail will flourish and reward you. Do not bite it. If you must, bite one of the 'unprotected' ones. Sometimes it elps knowing that you have another nail to bite, even if you don't actually nibble at any unprotected ones.
    • Once you have grown your non-bitten nail for a while, start protecting another one. And another. And another, until every single nail is protected.
  4. Record your progress in a notebook or photo album. Take "before and after" photos of your nails and put them in the book to keep you motivated. Recognizing that it usually takes three weeks to grow nails half a centimeter, chart out in the book how long you want your nails to be by a certain date.
      • Example : Today I began protecting my index finger on my right hand. I am now protecting 4 fingers. I almost bit my nails when I was in maths period with Mr. McKenzie droning on about square roots. I played with a bit of playdough under my desk to stop it. My nails are 1.4 cm long and I want my nails to be at 1.7 cm on March the 5th.
  5. Eat calcium and magnesium - rich foods so that your nails will repair and grow well. Not only that, but most of the reason that the human body wants to bite nails is the lack of calcium and magnesium in the body and the body needs that material back.
  6. Push your cuticles back. Many nail-biters do not have "moons" on the base of their fingernails because their cuticles have not been pushed back. To do this, gently push your cuticles towards your finger to reveal more of your nail. This is easier to do after a shower when your hands and nails are wet. This makes the nail appear longer, and it gives a more attractive shape, which might also be a motivation to stop biting.
  7. Find a habit to take the place of nail biting. Whenever you have the urge to bite, do that instead. Some people like to drum their fingers, or just stare at their hands. Just make sure it's not a bad habit; choose a helpful one or one that doesn't really matter either way. 'Bitrex' is a chemical that is put in products to make them taste foul, obtained from your local pharmacy. It's included in nibble inhibitors that you paint on to your nails. Carry some with you at all times. Apply your nasty solution several times a day. If you get used to the taste, choose another brand.
  8. Distract your mouth. Eat carrot sticks to keep you busy. Keep a stick of gum handy for those weak moments.
  9. No more idle hands..
    No more idle hands..
    Distract your hands by taking up a hobby.
    • A hobby to distract your hands might be making models or maintaining your house, knitting or crochet, running or other outside pursuits, or even nail care and decoration!
    • For those whose nail biting is obsessive/compulsive it may help to approach your hobby obsessively.
  10. Cover your nails. For females, fit artificial nails. They can really help. For guys, polish them and apply some shine/growth promoter or petroleum jelly. It's harder to bite nails that are looking great!

    • Keep gloves in your back pocket and wear them when you want to bite.
  11. If you have any surplus growth, cut your nails back. Keep clippers with you at all times. You can't bite if there's nothing there!
  12. Speaking about your nails will help to focus your mind on your goals. Ask for help from your partner(s). Keep talking about your goals.

    • Show off your improved nails', and get much-needed encouragement and praise from your peers.
  13. Be proud of your improving nails. They will shine with beauty.
  14. Go for a manicure, and chat with the manicurist about having great nails.

    • If you are male and you go in for a manicure and anyone gives you grief for not being manly, just say you are taking radical steps, whatever it takes. That should be manly enough for anyone.

  15. Keep looking after your nails, with cuticle oil, shine and growth promoter, and no biting!

The positive reinforcement is to look pretty with the nail polisher ....

The negative reinforcement is bitter taste form the nail polish

The positive punishment is i could eat my favorite chocolate if i don't bite my nail in a day....

The negative punishment is cant watch tv for a day if i bite my nails that day

i chose this method because i love my nails to look pretty ( with nail polish and etc. ), and that is actually the reason why i want to stop biting my finger nails....

i would use fixed ratio for this method because every second response is reinforced....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I kept biting my nails because it's already a habit for me....

I tried to hit my hands every time i bite my nails last weekend....

But i still bite it no matter what...

And i am not gonna hit my own hand too hard because it is going to be hurt...

So, i just tapped my hands really gentle...

And i think, that is the reason why the operant condition did not work for me ....


Ways To Break Nails Biting Habit

I bite my nails pretty frequent....

In a day, i could probably bite it several times (when I am in class, watch TV, reading, using my laptop, talking on the phone, or etc.)....

I believe that by not doing this, i could have a pretty long nails .....

I found some ways for nail biting treatment.....

I could try to put nail polisher or nail biting cream to my cuticles ...

Both of these substances give bitter taste that would make us stop biting nails...

Here is the website where i got it from :